Welcome to Futurise.

I'll help you use AI to take your career to the next level.

Have you ever felt like technology is advancing so quickly that it's hard to keep up? You're not alone.

Our courses transform careers in EVERY industry

AI at work is here.

Now comes the hard part.

Many professionals worry they might fall behind as artificial intelligence advances so fast!

But what if you could not only keep up, but use AI to your advantage to progress in your career.

I'm here to help you do that.

If we haven't met before - Hi, my name's Leon Petrou 👋 

Founder and lead instructor at Futurise.

I'm an engineer by degree and a teacher by passion.

I've been teaching technology online for 9 years now and have trained over 70,000 people from 130 countries.

I've since won the Most Valuable Professional (MVP) award and the AI Ambassador of the Year award from UiPath in 2023.

And I'm so happy to have the privilege to be your instructor for all courses at Futurise!

Fun fact: Every hundred years, a disruptive technology gets developed that changes everything. 

Here is the summary:

What the previous three industrial revolutions had in common was that they all destabilized the labor market as technology replaced human workers.

Just as factory workers were replaced by machines.

And mailmen were replaced by email.

These are just a few of hundreds of jobs that were affected.

As you know, history tends to repeat itself.

So as we navigate the fourth industrial revolution, driven by AI, it's crucial to learn from the past.

In this example, history teaches us one valuable lesson. 

We must embrace changes rather than resist them.

Adaptability is essential.

 With change comes opportunity. 
There will be big winners and big losers.

History, the economy, and natural selection all teach us this.

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives. Nor the most intelligent. It is the one most adaptable to change." 
Charles Darwin

As artificial "intelligence" becomes more "intelligent" and integrated into our daily lives, the value of IQ is going to decrease.

There is a shift towards another type of intelligence that we need to cultivate, and no, it's not EQ either.

It's AQ. 

This stands for Adaptability Quotient.

This is our ability to unlearn and relearn. 

This allows you to turn obstacles into opportunities.

It requires a different way of thinking to what we're used to.

Most of it is mindset. It's mental agility.

We must not let fear or denial get the best of us.

We must take action now to prepare for the future changes that are coming.

This is not easy.

It doesn't come naturally to people to be proactive.

Most people are reactive, but by then  it's often too late.

As difficult as having an agile mindset is, it is essential.

This is how we need to think as AI becomes a threat to our job, income and livelihood.

And to be clear, I'm not saying that AI is going to replace me and you and take our jobs.

Well, at least not yet.

However, like AI expert and ex-google researcher Mo Gawdat said:

 "AI will not replace you, but a person using AI will replace you." 
Mo Gawdat

Microsoft and LinkedIn recently surveyed 31,000 people across 31 countries..

They found that 71% of companies will rather hire someone with less work experience who has AI skills versus someone with more work experience with no AI skills.

According to the 2024 Work Trend Index Annual Report from Microsoft and LinkedIn

As we enter this age of AI, history will repeat itself, there will big losers and big winners.

Big losers: These will be the AI skeptics who do not adapt, refuse to learn new skills and allow other people who use AI to get ahead of them. And by the time they realize the value of AI, it's already too late.

Big winners:  These are people who use this time of disruptive change to adapt by learning new skills and using AI to their advantage, tackle new opportunities and reach unprecedented levels of success.

 Don't become "that uncle"

We all have "that uncle" who has no idea how to use a computer and probably asks you for basic help on how to use his smartphone.

Disclaimer: Don't worry, I'm not necessarily speaking about your uncle (we all love our uncles, haha), this is just a metaphor about "that uncle".

That uncle who was afraid of computers and technology. 

He prefered "the old fashion way" with pen and paper. 

Where is that uncle now? How is his career going?

"That uncle" let fear get the best of him

He didn't want to learn new skills. 

He didn't want to adapt.

And that has cost him in the long term.

It's not that nothing changed. It's that things got worse.

His career stagnated.

He missed opportunities to get promoted or even switch careers to something more fulfilling and rewarding.

This lead to other negative ripple effects.

Such as financial issues in his adult life and high levels of stress.

And the worst part is, these negative consequences compounded over time.

Computers of that uncle's generation is the AI of our generation.

We must not fall into the same trap.

Do not become "that uncle".

When these new disruptive technologies like computers and the internet entered the market, millions of people were left unemployed.

But at the same time, millions of new jobs, new disciplines and new businesses, were created.

Just think how many millionaires and billionaires were created from the previous disruptive technologies, like machines, electricity, computers, the internet, etc.

AI is the disruptive technology currently undergoing mass market adoption in 2024 - which will create big losers and big winners.

Which one will you be?

Anything AI can do -
you and AI can do better.

If you've read this far, I congratulate you on being open to upskilling with AI. 

This means you understand that AI is used to amplify your capabilities, not replace them.

You're not the norm. Most people stay inside their comfort-zone, phone-it-in at work, and have zero interest in advancing their skills.

This is what some of our early-access members said about Futurise:

Not only will AI help you do your work better and faster, but it will get you noticed...

Get skills that get noticed.
Picture this... 

You walk into your next meeting, ready to show off your new AI skills.

You built an AI automation that fully automates a time-consuming task that your team hates doing.

As you click run on the bot you built, the room goes quiet.

Everyone’s eyes are glued to the screen.

Everyone is in awe as your computer clicks, types and navigates multiple internal tools at inhuman speed.

What your team is watching is a fully automated bot that uses Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and AI to do the work that previously required 3 team members to do manually.

It feels almost like magic – automation and AI are doing the work faster and more accurately than any person.

You point out that this automation frees up everyone's time from doing this tedious boring work and can now focus on more valuable tasks.

The room fills with nods and smiles of agreement, reinforcing your sense of achievement.

As the presentation concludes, the room bursts into applause. 

Your manager nods approvingly, giving a thumbs up.

By the end, your team is wowed.

You’ve made everyone's life that much easier.

Not only that, but this automation will save the company thousands of dollars every month.

And your manager will remember that for your next promotion.

Futurise empowers you to apply AI at work and make real impact.

You'll be the key player that your team can't afford to lose.

Why do ambitious people choose Futurise?

We offer the fastest time to value, from learning to applying your new skills in the workplace.

We know you're busy and need to learn quickly!

Finding time is your biggest challenge when it comes to completing online courses.

As with all our courses, you will benefit from our Futurise Fast-Track (FFT) Method.

Figuring it out yourself:

Futurise Fast-Track Method:

With the three pillars of the FFT Method, it ensures you quickly acquire valuable skills to make an immediate impact at work.

Our FFT Method helps you gain new skills fast to solve your work problems and see immediate ROI.

Pillar #1: We Speak Plain English.

We don’t use jargon or “smart sounding” words when simple words will do. 

We make complex topics seem easy because we assume a complete beginner level, and explain in a simple, step-by-step way.

This means you don't need to waste your time doing extra research because you'll understand it the first time.

Pillar #2: You Will Learn by Doing

You will do hands-on projects that mirror real workplace challenges.

Some teachers are afraid to go there. 

They feel safe with theory.

Not us. We come from the trenches of industry.

We don’t shy away from real world examples.

This will not only teach you the technical skills but the big picture of how everything fits together. 

This will help you understand how to apply the skill in your context at work.

Pillar #3: You Will Get Real-Time One-on-One Support

Futurise have developed a proprietary personal AI tutor. Her name is Pixel.

With Pixel, you'll get your questions answered in real-time, 24/7, ensuring you never waste time getting stuck and always move forward with confidence. 

Pixel is available both in your course player and optionally on your desktop with 'screen understanding' to answer all your questions as you build-along.

Course #1: ChatGPT

Become a Generative AI Prompt Engineer

Don't worry, this is not another "prompt pack" promising "over 9000 ChatGPT prompts that will skyrocket your productivity" *my eyes are rolling right now*

Most of those prompts are completely useless and none follow prompting best practices.

This course will teach you the technical skills of prompt writing that will help you solve your specific problems at work.

Like the ancient proverb goes:

"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime." 

This is the course that will help you become an AI Power-user, specifically designed to help you use AI at work.

Just like you get Power-users for other technologies, like Excel, Photoshop, SAP, etc. There is now the rise of the AI Power-user.

What is an AI Power-user? An AI Power-user is someone with a high level of skill in applying AI at work.

AI Power-users can be found in many industries and roles.

AI can benefit any occupation, but these are the top occupations building AI aptitude in 2024:

2024 Work Trend Index Annual Report from Microsoft and LinkedIn 

According to the study done by Microsoft and LinkedIn, AI Power-users save at least 30 minutes per day by using AI tools like ChatGPT, Copilot, etc.

AI Power-users report these benefits:

  • AI makes their overwhelming workload more manageable (92%)
  • Boosts their creativity (92%)
  • Helps them focus on the most important work (93%)
  • Feel more motivated (91%)
  • Enjoy work more (91%)

Did you know three in four people are already using AI at work?

According to the 2024 Work Trend Index Annual Report from Microsoft and LinkedIn

You may already be using AI at work, but most people are using ChatGPT wrong, or don't fully understand what's capable and the different ways it can help you do your work.

There are a range of tools, techniques and best practices that software developers use when building AI applications.

When you apply these tools, techniques and best practices in your daily prompt writing with tools like ChatGPT, you get much better responses!

This is called Prompt Engineering, and this is what we teach in this course.

Prompt Engineering is the art and science of writing effective prompts that will get desires reponses from the AI.

What's inside this ChatGPT course?

Expandable Sections
  • 🤖 Understand the 3 Types of AI: Gain insights into the different types of AI and their applications.
  • 📚 What are AI Language Models: Explore the structure and functionality of AI language models.
  • 💡 GPT in a Nutshell: Get a concise overview of how language models work.
  • 🧠 Understanding Short-Term and Long-Term Memory Management: Learn how AI manages and utilizes memory for processing information.
  • 📖 Learning Approaches in AI: Delve into various learning approaches used in AI, including supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning.
  • 📋 Types of Prompts: Discover different types of prompts and their specific use cases.
  • 🔍 Query Decomposition: Break down complex queries into manageable parts for better AI responses.
  • 🗂️ Decision Making in Prompt Engineering: Understand the decision-making process involved in crafting effective prompts.
  • 👥 Role-Based Prompting: Learn how to design prompts tailored to specific roles or tasks.
  • 🔗 Ensuring Semantic Coherence: Ensure your prompts maintain logical and semantic consistency for accurate outputs.
  • 🔧 Answer Engineering: Fine-tune AI-generated answers to meet specific requirements and contexts.
  • ⚠️ Handling Pitfalls and Limitations of LLMs: Identify and address common pitfalls and limitations of large language models.
  • 💰 Pricing and The Role of Tokens: Understand the cost implications and token management in AI usage.
  • 🖼️ Generate and Analyze Images with GPT-4 (Multimodal): Learn to generate and analyze images using the multimodal capabilities of GPT-4.

  • 💼 Engineering Your LinkedIn Summary Prompt: Craft an optimized LinkedIn summary using prompt engineering techniques.
  • 📝 Building a Blog Post Generator Prompt: Develop prompts to generate engaging and well-structured blog posts.
  • 📊 Create a PowerPoint Presentation Prompt: Learn to create prompts that design compelling PowerPoint presentations.
  • 💱 Currency Converter with Python and Bing Prompt: Utilize Python and Bing to build a prompt for converting currencies.
  • 🔍 Competitor Market Research Using Plugins Prompt: Generate prompts to conduct thorough competitor market research with the help of plugins.
  • 🤖 Amazon Sales Chatbot Prompt: Create prompts for an AI chatbot to assist with Amazon sales inquiries.
  • 🌐 Building an AI-Powered Web App using Bubble and OpenAI APIs: Design prompts for developing a web application integrated with OpenAI APIs and Bubble.
  • 🔄 Converting Code with ChatGPT: Formulate prompts to convert code between different programming languages.
  • 🎮 Create a Classic Game of 'Pong' Entirely with ChatGPT: Use prompts to develop a 'Pong' game entirely with ChatGPT.
  • 📧 Auto-Email Reply Generator: Design prompts to automate email replies for various contexts.
  • 📚 Creating Flashcards with ChatGPT and Anki: Generate prompts to create educational flashcards using ChatGPT and Anki.
  • 📊 Automating Excel with ChatGPT and VBA: Develop prompts to automate Excel tasks using VBA and ChatGPT.
  • 📈 Analyzing Data with GPT for Sheets: Formulate prompts for data analysis tasks within Google Sheets.
  • 📄 Scraping PDFs with ChatGPT: Create prompts to efficiently extract and process information from PDF documents.
  • 🔤 Summarization and Translation: Generate prompts for summarizing and translating text accurately.

  • 🌐 Discover OpenAI's GPTs: Explore the range of capabilities and applications of OpenAI's GPT models.
  • 💼 Build Your First GPT - Your Investment Tutor: Create a specialized GPT model designed to provide investment advice and tutoring.
  • 🔍 Take an Advanced Look at GPTs: Gain deeper insights into the advanced functionalities and features of GPT models.
  • ⚙️ What are GPT Actions?: Understand the concept of GPT Actions and how they enhance the capabilities of your custom models.
  • 🔗 Using Zapier to Build Customized Actions: Learn to use Zapier to create customized actions and integrations for your GPT models.
  • 🔄 Connecting your GPT to the Outside World: Discover methods for integrating your GPT with external data sources and applications.
  • 📧 Testing your Q&A Auto-Email-Response GPT: Develop and test a GPT model specifically for generating automated email responses to common queries.

This course is language model agnostic. We focus on ChatGPT in the course but the lessons can be applied to other AI languange models like Copilot, Gemini, Claude 3, etc.

The goal of this course is to teach you prompt engineering through hands-on examples, that will fast-track you into becoming an AI Power-user. 

You're busy (probably the reason you need to use AI in the first place), so we designed this course for the busy person.

We've applied our Futurise Fast-Track Method to this course.

That way, you can start using AI at work as soon as possible and start reaping the benefits.

"I've rarely come across a course as useful as this in any field, and the infectious passion of the teachers comes across. Many thanks, and please keep me on your mailing list."

Sanjay Bhatnagar - Director (Sony, India)
ChatGPT Course

"I've checked the forums, youtube, and other platforms for quick and direct lessons on using AI at work and this has been the best by far. I love the quick pace and direct content especially with learning this outside of my day job. I've been prompting wrong the whole time now that i know how, I can feel the difference it's making at work.. I get more done. Also teaching my colleagues now. I've been using copilot but could still follow course which teaches chatgpt. Happy to call myself an AI power user. Recommend for everyone."

Raphael Smith - Manager, Global Business Development (Superside, United States)
ChatGPT Course

"What stood out in your course was the high level of professionalism and expertise, which was evident in the structuring of the learning content, the practical exercises and the associated questions. Excellent course with depth. Very well and comprehensively explained!"

Tom Noeding - Senior Social Media Consultant (Social DNA, Germany)
ChatGPT Course

Course #2: UiPath

Become an AI Automation Developer

When generative AI is applied strategically within existing business processes, it can truly transform businesses.

The two most high leverage use cases of prompt engineering that can positively impact a company's bottom-line are: 

1. AI-powered automation: Automating business processes using RPA and generative AI.

2. AI-powered apps: Building web or mobile apps with Generative AI features.

The first is AI-powered automation.

What is this? You may be familiar with Robotic Process Automation (RPA), e.g. UiPath, Microsoft Power Automate etc. 

This is a technology which automates digital business processes.

It's one of the few technologies that can provide a Return on Investment (ROI) within the first year of implementation because of the massive time and cost savings automation provides.

However, together with AI, it has given RPA superpowers.

RPA can now automate almost any process because it's not limited to the rules-based processes with structured data as before.

It can use generative AI to analyse unstructured data and make judgement-based decisions which opens the door to the types of business processes which can be automated.

This is a project-based course which will not only teach you UiPath RPA in detail but will teach you how to integrate RPA with generative AI.

The prompt engineering skills learnt from the "Become a Generative AI Prompt Engineer" course coupled with this "Become an AI Automation Developer" course will transform you into a world class AI Automation developer.

What's inside this UiPath course?

You will first learn how to build software robots with UiPath Studio and deploy them with UiPath Orchestrator.

Then you will learn how to integrate generative AI (OpenAI API) into your RPA bots for analysing unstructured data and judgement-based decisions.

And then lastly, you will learn how to have a human-in-the-loop using UiPath Action Center to verify AI generated content or decisions.

Expandable Sections
  • 👗 Building a Clothing Consultant Robot: Build a robot that scrapes weather data from Google based on user-input city names and provides personalized clothing suggestions.
  • 📊 Creating a Data Capturing Robot: Develop a robot to automate copying and pasting data from Excel into web and desktop applications, handling multiple platforms simultaneously with 100% accuracy.
  • 💻 Taking on the Automation Challenge: Create a robust RPA workflow that inputs spreadsheet data into dynamically changing form fields, testing and refining the robot's accuracy over multiple rounds.
  • 🏡 Developing a Real Estate Web Scraping Robot: Build a robot that scrapes extensive real estate listing data based on user-input city names and exports the information, including property details, into an Excel spreadsheet.
  • 📄 Automating PDF Invoice Data Scraping: Develop a robot to automate the extraction of text from multiple PDF invoices and transfer the data into an Excel spreadsheet, ensuring high speed and accuracy.
  • 👁️ Utilizing Optical Character Recognition: Create a robot that uses OCR technology to convert text from scanned image PDFs into actual text format, automating the extraction process and exporting the data into text files.
  • 📧 Implementing Email Automation: Build a robot integrated with Gmail to automate various email operations, such as reading, saving, deleting, moving emails, and downloading attachments, and generate output report emails displaying logs of processed emails.
  • ☁️ Deploy Robots to UiPath Orchestrator: Deploy your robots to UiPath Orchestrator, schedule them and manage process logs.

  • 🔗 Integrate ChatGPT API with UiPath: Seamlessly connect the ChatGPT OpenAI API with UiPath to categorize and process text inputs intelligently.
  • 📚 Build a Reusable ChatGPT Integration Library: Create a reusable library for the ChatGPT integration, enhancing the efficiency and scalability of future projects.
  • 🎯 Optimize Prompt Engineering: Apply advanced prompt engineering techniques to achieve the best results from the ChatGPT model, ensuring precise and effective AI responses.
  • 📊 Automate Data Writing to Excel: Develop automation for writing categorized data into Excel spreadsheets, streamlining the process for easy analysis and visualization.
  • 📈 Visualize and Analyze Output Data: Utilize tools to visualize and analyze the output data, extracting valuable insights and discussing improvements for data categorization projects.

  • 🤖 Building a LinkedIn Lead Generation Bot: Develop a bot that scrapes data from LinkedIn profiles and generates personalized invitation messages using the OpenAI API, automating the connection request process on LinkedIn.
  • 🔗 Integrating OpenAI API in UiPath Studio: Set up and connect the OpenAI API within UiPath Studio, leveraging the OpenAI activity for text generation and ensuring seamless integration.
  • ⚙️ Optimizing API Calls for Better Results: Fine-tune API properties, such as adjusting the temperature setting, to ensure more accurate and less creative responses from the AI.
  • 🔄 Creating and Using Variables in UiPath: Learn to manage and utilize variables in UiPath to pass data between different sequences and activities, enhancing workflow efficiency.
  • 💬 Generating AI-Powered LinkedIn Messages: Use prompt engineering techniques to craft effective prompts for generating personalized LinkedIn invitation messages, incorporating scraped data like name, headline, and recent posts.
  • 📐 Applying Answer Engineering for AI Responses: Implement answer engineering techniques to format AI responses, such as limiting character count to fit specific input fields, ensuring the generated content meets predefined criteria.
  • 📝 Utilizing UiPath Form Designer for Task Creation: Design forms in UiPath Action Center to display and edit AI-generated content, making it easy for users to review and correct data.
  • 📋 Assigning and Managing Tasks in UiPath Action Center: Use the assign tasks activity to allocate tasks to specific users, ensuring efficient task management and proper workflow continuation in UiPath Action Center.
  • 🚀 Publishing and Running Bots in Production Environments: Learn to publish bots to UiPath Orchestrator and run them in a production environment, demonstrating real-world applicability and robust automation processes.

 This unique skill set will allow you to  automate almost any digital process at your company.

This would put you on the map as an asset in your organisation that can provide massive impact to the business.

And the best part is, you can do all of this without writing a line of code.

"Perhaps the best UiPath-based RPA course out there! We just started a tech company and we offer UiPath RPA as one of our services...this course has helped me build several proof-of-concept bots for our clients. I loved this course!"

Brian Keller - Co-founder at Alirrium
UiPath Course

"Just finished this wonderful course. I am very satisfied. Leon is a very good instructor, explains well, talks to the point. He has a nice and pleasant voice to listen to. Knows what he is talking about. This course helped me to start feeling like a uipath developer. I started before with the UiPath Academy foundation training, but this one explains better for a beginner. Combination of them both worked very good for me. When I got stuck with a bug Leon helped. The other time an other guy from the community here. Happened not much. Thanks again Leon. Definitely recommend."

Arie Shapiro - Senior Software Engineer (PwC, Austria)
UiPath Course

"I have watched many courses online and I can say that Leon is hands down my favourite instructor and this course is worth every second. He is super thorough and goes into every detail. The projects built during the course cover a big part of necessary functionalities for an RPA developer and after this course you can no longer call yourself a UiPath beginner."

Anna Stasinopoulou - Associate Consultant (Netcompany-Intrasoft, Greece)
UiPath Course

Course #3: Bubble

Become a No-Code AI App Developer

The second technology in which prompt engineering is having a massive impact is software development, specifically, developing AI-powered apps. 

You may be thinking "i'm not a software developer, I don't know how to code."

Bubble is a no-code drag-and-drop app builder that allows you to build any web or mobile app without writing a line of code.

This opens the door to allow semi-technical or non-technical people to develop fully-functional apps entirely on their own.

This is why we developed our hands-on Bubble course, where you will Become a No-Code AI App Developer.

What's inside this Bubble course?

You will learn how to use Bubble to build web applications without coding - both backend workflows and front end user interface.

Next, you will learn how to use the OpenAI API together with Bubble's API connector so that you can build AI-powered applications.

Then as the final capstone build-along project, you will learn how to build  and publish an AI Chatbot web app using bubble and the OpenAI API.

  • 🚀 Kickstart - Build Your First App: Get an overview of Bubble's no-code platform and build your first simple web application.
  • 🎨 Visual Design Elements: Explore the use of visual elements to construct the user interface in Bubble.
  • 🔄 Workflow and Data Types: Learn about creating workflows for if-then logic and managing data in your Bubble app.
  • 🎨 Styles and Plugins: Customize styles for consistent design and integrate plugins to extend your app's functionality.
  • 📱 Tinder Clone Introduction and Setup: Start building a Tinder-like app by setting up its basic framework.
  • 🖌️ Designing the User Interface: Craft an engaging and intuitive user interface for the Tinder clone.
  • 📊 Data Handling and User Interaction: Implement data management and enable user interactions in the app.
  • 🔑 Implementing Core Features: Integrate key features such as swiping and matching into the Tinder clone.
  • 💬 Messaging and Notifications: Add messaging and notification functionalities to enhance user engagement.
  • Finalizing and Deployment: Complete the app and learn how to deploy it for public access.
  • 🔗 Introduction to the API Connector: Explore Bubble's API Connector to integrate external APIs.

  • 🔗 Introduction to the API Connector: Understand the basics of Bubble's API Connector and its capabilities.
  • 📋 What Each Field of the API Connector Actually Does: Learn the purpose and functionality of each field in the API Connector.
  • 📖 Reading API Documentation: Develop the skills to effectively read and interpret API documentation for successful integration.
  • 🔄 API Methods: Explore different API methods and how to implement them within your Bubble app.
  • 📦 Using JSON Objects: Understand how to use JSON objects to structure data for API interactions.
  • 🔌 Connecting the OpenAI API with the API Connector: Integrate OpenAI's API with Bubble using the API Connector for generative AI functionalities.
  • 🔐 Create Headers and Authorization: Learn to create necessary headers and manage authorization for secure API access.
  • ⚙️ Configure Parameters: Configure parameters for API calls to ensure they meet the required specifications and perform correctly.
  • 🔄 Using API Calls in Workflows: Incorporate API calls into workflows to enhance your app's interactivity and functionality.

  • 🤖 Introduction to Amazon GPT Chatbot and Setup: Initiate the setup for the AmazonGPT project, an AI-powered chatbot.
  • 🔌 OpenAI API Integration: Integrate OpenAI's API for generative AI functionalities in your app.
  • 🔄 Data Handling and Message Configuration: Manage data and configure messaging using OpenAI in Bubble.
  • 🛠️ Debugging and Message Formatting: Focus on debugging techniques and formatting messages in your app.
  • 🌟 Enhancing User Interface and Experience: Improve the UI/UX to make the app more user-friendly and visually appealing.
  • 🛡️ Branding and Legal Considerations: Understand branding strategies and legal aspects relevant to your app.
  • 🔒 Security and Advanced Configuration: Delve into advanced security measures and configurations for your Bubble app.

This new skill can either be used to build an internal AI app for your company which your clients or colleagues can use. 

Or, perhaps you want to start your own tech startup. 

And now there is a new opportunity for new app ideas that weren't possible before without AI. 

The CEO at OpenAI said:

"There'll soon be a 1-person billion dollar company, which would've been unimaginable without AI, but now will happen." 
Sam Altman

I'm not saying you're going to become a billionaire from taking this course.

Success with startups is probabilistic.

And yes, you could make millions of dollars from building a successful app, and I know plenty of people who have done that.

But that shouldn't really be the goal.

The way I think of Bubble is its a quick way to test your app idea in the market, before investing tons of time, effort and money in an idea that might not work.

Bubble has a reputation for being the best tool to build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP).

Or the most simple first version of an app.

This is because Bubble allows you to build apps much faster and without the steep learning curve of traditional coding.

So if you have an idea for an app, or maybe you're just interested in learning how to build apps, now is the best time to build an AI-powered app before the market gets too saturated.

And the best part is, you can do it all without writing a line of code with no coding experience required.

"After only about two hours of instruction I was able to start building my own AI-powered app on Bubble."

Matthew Brown - Marketing Manager (Disney, Australia)
Bubble Course

"I love this course. The trainer is very detailed in explaining each and every aspect. I learned a lot of new things that weren't clear to me from other tutorials and courses I saw. Im glad I made the decision to take in this course. I'd recommend every bubbler, to begin with this course. Looking forward for the trainer to updated more stuff in this course."

Sohaan Pensalwar - Freelance Designer (India)
Bubble Course

"Yes, this has been a good experience so far. I have learned about a new and interesting technology that my new company uses, and this technology makes building web apps much more agile than traditional coding (which is what I used previously)."

Diego Molina Sieiro - Full Stack Developer (Ali Tech, Mexico)
Bubble Course

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Invest in your future with just a single subscription and get access to all our courses.

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Futurise Unlimited

$28 per month

Cancel anytime (14-day money-back guarantee)      

This includes:

  • ChatGPT Course: 10+ hours of material doing hands-on projects to become a generative AI prompt engineer.
  • UiPath Course: 20+ hours of material building AI & RPA bots to become an AI automation developer.
  • Bubble Course: 11+ hours of material building AI apps without coding to become a no-code AI app developer. 
  • All Course Resources: Download all projects, bots and apps that get built.
  • Certificate of Completion: You will get a certificate for each of our courses that you can share on your LinkedIn and CV.
  • Challenges & Quizzes: You will test your knowledge as you go through the course to ensure you're still on track.
  • 24/7 Live Chat Support: Immediate technical support through our state-of-the-art AI chatbot in the Futurise course player, this minimizes downtime, allowing you to progress through the courses without delays.
  • Instructor Support: Direct support from Leon in the Q&A section. All questions are answered within 24 hours.
  • Gamified Learning: Makes the learning process engaging and fun by winning prizes and vouchers for completing lessons and quizzes.
  • Free version of all software: ChatGPT, UiPath and Bubble all have free versions, so there will be no additional costs to go through the course content.
  • Free Perks: You also three free perks.
  • Bonus: As a bonus to joining Futurise, you will also get exclusive first access to "Pixel".

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Wait, did you say Bonus?

Yup, as a bonus to joining Futurise Unlimited, you will get Early and Exclusive Access to Pixel the world's first AI Desktop Assistant, and become a Pixel Pioneer. Meet Pixel:

Pixel is a brand new, state-of-the-art desktop widget developed by Futurise, that you download on your Mac or Windows machine.

If you get stuck during your workflow, simply hit CTRL+P and it will open Pixel (like in the screenshot above) and you can speak with Pixel using your voice and she will reply as if you're speaking with a person.

Pixel is your personal tutor who can help you in real-time, with her GPT-4 level intelligence. 

Pixel is basically ChatGPT, but she can see your screen.

Insane, right?

To see a demo of Pixel, skip to the end of the sneak peek video at the top of this page.

Pixel is still under development, but when you subscribe to Futurise Unlimited, you will be a part of the first group of users, what I like to call our "Pixel Pioneers" to benefit from a one-on-one AI desktop assistant.

You will get access to Pixel before the end of July 2024.

You will also get free perks?

You will get these three perks completely free, just for being a Futurise subscriber:

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Free Perk #1
Constant updates

No more outdated content and getting stuck. Tech changes fast, and so do our courses. We continuously update outdated content so you're always learning from the most current and relevant material.

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Free Perk #2
New courses

You will also get access to all new AI courses added to Futurise at no additional charge. These include; AI powered data analysis, Python prompt-gramming and AI for Excel are just a few new courses to look forward to!

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Free Perk #3
Exclusive content

If you have a specific skill you'd like to learn related to one of the courses and if it's not covered in the content, I will make a video tutorial for you and post it on my YouTube channel for you and the community to learn from.

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Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee & Money-Back Promise

We want your investment in Futurise Unlimited to be an absolute no-brainer for you.

Put our Futurise courses to the proof by subscribing for the next month for just $28.

This subscription offers full access to all courses and materials.

This is the shortest subscription term we offer – and a perfect way to get acquainted with Futurise Unlimited.

And here’s the Futurise Unlimited Monthly guarantee: Should Futurise Unlimited Monthly not meet your expectations, you may cancel this arrangement within 14 days of purchase and get a full-refund. 

Just email us at [email protected] and we will process your refund immediately.

Join Futurise Unlimited Monthly and you're protected by our no questions asked 14-day money-back guarantee.

Or you may prefer to take advantage of a longer-term subscription for greater savings: an annual subscription at $280 saves you $56 off Futurise’s monthly price.

Simply sign up now and start immediately.

And if you join Futurise Unlimited Annual, we offer a one-year guarantee.

That’s correct. Not a 14-day guarantee.

Not even a 30-day guarantee.

We offer a full 365-day, no questions asked, full refund, satisfaction guarantee.

We're happy to give a generous one year money-back guarantee because we're confident in the value of our courses.

Take Futurise Unlimited Annual for a spin for one year, and if it doesn't improve your career, let us know and we'll happily refund today's payment.

Just email us at [email protected] and we will process your refund immediately.

Join Futurise Unlimited Annual and you're protected by our no questions asked One-Year Money-Back Guarantee.


If you feel as we do, that this is a fair and reasonable proposition, then you will want to find out without delay if Futurise can do for you what it is doing for hundreds of other ambitious professionals like yourself.

So, sign up now, and we will start future-proofing your career immediately.

Frequently Asked Questions

Each course at Futurise is designed to be flexible, allowing learners to progress at their own pace. Typically, courses range from 10 to 20 hours of material, divided into manageable segments.

Since this is a hands-on course, you need to cater for extra time for you building along.

A good rule of thumb is it will take 1 week per 10 hours of content learning part-time (2 hours per day).

Yes, you will receive support from Leon Petrou and the Futurise team. The Futurise platform offers 24/7 live chat support from our helpful and friendly AI chatbot "Pixel".

You will also get direct support from Leon in the Q&A section, with responses guaranteed within 24 hours.

Yes, upon successful completion of any course at Futurise, you will receive a Certificate of Completion. These certificates can be shared on your LinkedIn profile and included in your resume to showcase your new skills.

No, there are no additional or hidden costs associated with the courses. Futurise ensures that all necessary software used in the courses has free versions, so you can complete the course content without incurring extra expenses.

However, you can optionally upload API credits to use the OpenAI API and Playground. This is directly through OpenAI. We recommend starting with $5.

No problem, we’ll send you your invoice automatically, immediately after payment. You will also automatically receive invoices for all subsequent monthly payments.

For any additional questions, you can reach out to the Futurise support team via email at [email protected]. They are available to assist with any inquiries you may have. Else, you're welcome to reach out to me directly at [email protected]

"Leon is a great RPA coach. This course is definitely something that you might want to take, if you wish to start your RPA journey. I enjoyed building all the 7 robots and it was a great learning experience. The course is structured very well and Leon makes it a point to explain each and every step in details so that you don't feel lost in between the course. One of best things is that Leon is very approachable. I had all my queries resolved in no time. He responds to each and every query and that kind of support is something you would look out for as a beginner. I would definitely recommend this course. Thanks for such great content Leon!"

Kaushik Pai - Manager, FS IT Audit (KPMG, UK)
UiPath Course

"Wow...it was AWESOME. I joined just to get started with RPA, in order to understand its basic concepts and what exactly it is. But this course helped me become an expert. I have gained lots of knowledge of RPA. Example Projects in this tutorial are amazing and very very helpful. And you have presented it so very well that I never need to go back in video to see what exactly is happening each and every thing was very much clear. Thank you very much for your guidance and for this tutorials. Stay in touch. Best wishes...Thank you once again."

Ramakrishna Manne - Project Manager (Cognizant, India)
UiPath Course

"What a unique experience ! Leon has become my bff :-) This course is an absolute must for all UiPath developers, whatever your level, because it shows real life problems/issues and how to best solve them. Maybe you're not interested in any particular robot, of the 7 Leon shows, but for sure you'll find handy tricks and tips in any of them. After watching the official UiPath videos on the UiPath Academy, this course will show you how to apply your new knowledge in real world environments. Great job, Leon!"

Eric Parijs - Senior RPA Developer (CGI, Portugal)
UiPath Course

It's time to future-proof your career.

This isn't just about choosing whether to subscribe and become an AI Power-user; it’s about deciding on the direction of your career and personal growth.

You've seen what Futurise Unlimited is doing for our other members.

And you’ve seen what Futurise Unlimited offers.

You understand that mastering AI skills is not just a nice-to-have but an essential to boost your productivity at work, do your work smarter and free up your valuable time for what matters. 

If you also decide to go through our UiPath or Bubble program, that won't only boost your productivity but has potential to transform your company's bottom line.

Decison time: What will it be?

Choosing to pass on this opportunity means continuing down your current path.

If you’re fully satisfied with your career trajectory, and you don't feel like you need to adapt to the market needs and learn AI, that might be the right choice for you.

However, if you are looking to elevate your capabilities and position yourself as a leader in your field, Futurise Unlimited offers a proven path to achieve this.

Remember, with Futurise Unlimited, you're not just signing up for some online courses.

It's about investing in your future and transforming your professional life through useful knowledge and applying that knowledge at work.

I’m a strong believer in making binary decisions. Yes or no.

This speeds up my decision making.

I try not to dwell on “maybes” for too long.

Usually your gut already knows the answer.

I want you to decide now if Futurise is for you.

If it’s a no, that is okay too, but I don’t want you to miss out on this ripe opportunity, right now, to use AI to give you an unfair advantage and take your career to the next level...

I look forward to seeing what you do with this.

And with our 100% money-back guarantee, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Rooting for you!